And do you like my new blog template? I designed it myself using PsycHo, a free template building site. It's pretty easy to use, and gives you a lot more flexibility than a lot of the cookie cutter free templates available for downloading.
I was going to model this new blog design after my old blog, and even made an inspiration board blog header for our newlywed life (yeah, how dorky am I?). I wasn't happy with how the text looked on top of the board though, which is why I didn't end up using it. But I can share it with you anyway, right? Don't want to let it go to waste!

It was just a shame to have to lighten the pictures in the inspiration board, and really took away from what I wanted in a blog header. here's a look without the text transparent overlay (click for a larger view).

My newlywed inspiration board came from a mix of personal pictures and Google Images pictures, and includes: just married sign, The Mr. and I kissing at the alter, yummy garlic and food (because I want to start cooking more), a shark cage dive (because I'm dying to do this when we go to South Africa in 2012, the Golden Gate Bridge (because we live in the Bay Area), and wood stain (a homage to some hopefully upcoming projects). Also in my board is a photo I took on our Mexico trip (at Majahuitas resort, where we hope to someday return), a picture of a list (because I'm obsessed with planning), a safari photo (another nod to our Africa trip in a couple years), a cutely decorated room with a puppy (which I'd love to get, but am practical enough to know we don't have time for a dog), crafting and paint supplies, some lovey ring, sun heart and sand drawing photos, wine, another wedding picture, and a pretty house that I wish we could afford.
Pretty much I'm inspired by a whole heck of a lot of things--I just want to do and experience everything I can with my new husband I guess! And then share them with all of you here, of course!
EDIT: Ok, I caved and went back to one of Blogger's new customizable template designs. I really did like PsycHo, but it wasn't giving me quite the flexibility with the gadgets that I wanted. I've gotten the blog design with the blogger template close to how it was with PsycHo, although I may still continue to teak it until I'm 100% happy with it.
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