So, back in October I wrote about this odd house that I drive by every day on my way to work. Back then, I was upset that they'd painted it a weird shiny silver color...but now, now I think it's even worse!
Seriously. This already odd shaped, over 1.6 million dollar iconic Bay Area home now looks like a shiny terracotta pot. I'm thinking all they need to add is a giant cactus on the roof, and they'll be all set!
Seriously. This already odd shaped, over 1.6 million dollar iconic Bay Area home now looks like a shiny terracotta pot. I'm thinking all they need to add is a giant cactus on the roof, and they'll be all set!

This is the color I remember always seeing this house in - I must have missed the silver phase. Even though it's an eyesore, I love watching out for it when we take 280 to my in-laws' house.
I remember that even from when I was still really young! It was white for YEARS, and then all of a sudden, they decided it's a blank canvas for crazy paint! Every time I go back home now, and drive from my dad's to my aunt and uncle's, it seems to be a different color! Thanks for the nostalgia. =)
What the heck?! They painted it AGAIN! Haha, you're right, it does look like a giant terracotta pot.
I really wanna know about the people that live there. They must be the most eccentric people ever!
Eeep! That's all kinds of special
I remember that house from visiting my sister at Cal and taking trips to Stanford. I remember when they painted it orange from white and we about freaked! Why would you change it from the white?
Holy balls. Best house ever. XD I'm so happy that things like this exist.
i'm attached to the white color. i guess it's fun to change things up, but i always thought of that house as just white--kinda looking like stone, to go along with its Flintstones glory.
Oh NOOOOOOOO! I can't believe they made it worssse!
Holy balls. Best house ever. XD I'm so happy that things like this exist.
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