Last night after work, I innocently changed out of my work clothes, and was carrying a sweatshirt out to go sit on the couch. I wasn't really paying attention, and so when I went to sit down, I almost squished a box that was hiding under our throw blanket.
And inside the box was this beauty, along with some other goodies, like an extra battery, carrying case, etc!
My husband = awesome!
As soon as I got the battery charged enough to use, I had to try it out on the cats. And the results were SO much better than my last attempt at cat photography (although getting them to sit still, or not be in awkward mid-yawn or licking poses is still a challenge).
Here's the best of my 15 minute session with the cats, on the automatic, no flash setting.
I would love to continue learning how to use the manual settings (I'm finding the camera basics tutorials that Mrs. Bee has been posting to be really useful!), but instead I'm headed out to have a productive day, to have lunch with my parents and help them move some things.
But I can't wait to play around some more. This is going to make our upcoming vacations even more fun, now that I have a good camera to play with!
Does anyone have any good online resources for someone who is new to DSLRs?
P.S. If you're only reading this in Google Reader, be sure to check out my new blog design, done by How Joyful Design Studio (aka Mrs. Poodle on Weddingbee). She did an awesome job!
Yay!!! What a wonderful hubby you have!!
It takes great pictures, can't wait to see more. :D
Eeeeek, that's so exciting!! I need Pete to read this post and then take a page out of Mr C's book! Congrats, have fun with it! And your blog looks lovely :)
I'm SO glad you got one! That's the model I have - And aren't pet pictures SO much easier?!
And the new blog design is adorable! Love it!
Hooray for a fabulous camera! And I love the new blog design too -- seems very 'you'!
How exciting! Love the new design.
No reason new camera present?
Love the new layout/design! :]
How fun! Looking forward to all the awesome things you'll be able to capture. Love the new layout too, so clean and pretty!
Yayy for you! I want one!! :)
Love your new blog design! I obviously need one badly! Im so new to the blogworld, so I definately have to figure that out! :)
Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to see more photo yumminess. And welcome to the Canon clan :)
Yay for the new camera, great hubby and cute new blog background!!
You lucky thing! I am probably going to get a DSLR this summer (my husband's gift to me too!)
#1, yay new camera! I just took a one day workshop by a wedding photographer and it was soo cool/great to have someone in person to explain how to shoot in manual!
#3 New layout is SUPER PRETTY
How awesome of your husband! Love the shots of your cute kitties, and the new blog design looks amazing!
Oooh, that's such a fantastic and fun gift! Totally jealous. :)
WOW - I love camera's! I cant wait for your photography posts!
Had to come visit from my google reader! Love the new layout!
Major brownie points to the hubby - super jealous!! And I'm totally loving the new layout!
The new blog looks great!! And, congrats on the camera!! I learned a lot (and am continuing to learn) about photography from pioneer woman's blog.
Congrats on your fabulous new toy!!! I have the T1i and I absolutely love it!
High five to the hubby!!! Gorgeous cat pics, post more, I miss mine tons, and yours are soooo cute, don't they make your day??
Very nice update with the blog, and love the purple ;)
CONGRATSSSSSSSSSSS! That's such a great present! :) And I am super duper jeal!
CONGRATSSSSSSSSSSS! That's such a great present! :) And I am super duper jeal!
The new blog looks great!! And, congrats on the camera!! I learned a lot (and am continuing to learn) about photography from pioneer woman's blog.
#1, yay new camera! I just took a one day workshop by a wedding photographer and it was soo cool/great to have someone in person to explain how to shoot in manual!
#3 New layout is SUPER PRETTY
How awesome of your husband! Love the shots of your cute kitties, and the new blog design looks amazing!
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