See, The Mr. and I have started breaking in our new bedding that we got as a wedding gift. An 11 piece set with a new comforter, shams, throw pillows and sheets. It’s really cute, and goes nicely with our dark wood headboard with cream accents that I built a few years back.

However, a while back there was a Weddingbee boards post that made me think we must be barbarians, not using the top sheet and all. Actually, the post started as a “weird things at the in law’s house” but sort of morphed into a top sheet vs. no top sheet discussion.
Anyway, so I thought, well, now that we have new sheets and a new comforter, let’s be civilized and use our top sheet. After all, we don’t seem to have a problem using them when we stay in a hotel bed, or as a guest in someone’s house.
We tried. Really, we did. We gave it a good two weeks of sleeping with a top sheet, and it was a huge pain in the ass! Seriously, I toss and turn a lot at night, and usually half wake up every time I turn over. But with the damn top sheet in the equation, I was fully waking up every time I had to turn over, to fix the damn thing!
It kept coming untucked from the bottom. Which was actually more comfortable, since I don’t like my feet to be caged in. But this untucking meant that multiple times during the night I’d wake up to find the sheet pulled up, off my feet, with just the comforter covering them. And it was majorly annoying to have to kick the stupid sheet down in the middle of the night! Or even worse, the top of the sheet and the top of the comforter wouldn’t be lined up, and I’d have to figure out how to fix that in dark, in my disoriented, just wanting to sleep state.
So yeah. No more top sheet for us. We will just continue to be the barbarians that we are, in the name of not fighting with bedding throughout the night.
At least we’re making progress though, we’re not using a 9 year old, threadbare and falling apart comforter anymore!
Are you for or against top sheets?
We totally use the top sheet. We means ME. Paul lets his side get all twisted and fall to the end of the bed, whereas I keep mine on, until I have to go scavenging for his side in the middle of the night because it's making me lose MY side. Usually I'm fighting a losing battle and the sheet stays twisted at the bottom of the bed. It DOES help when it's hotter than hell here in LA and the duvet is too heavy, but then we ONLY use the sheet.
We also use the top sheet. I never really thought about not. The boy and I end up with blankets all over the place because although I freeze all day everyday at night I'm a million degrees so I cover up then uncover, over and over again and as Amber said when its really hot I just use the sheet.
I don't think its weird not to though.
We are barbarians too! After we wash the sheets, I make the bed with the top sheet. After the first night it is half on the floor, by the second night it is balled up on the floor where it remains until we do laundry again.
I like a top sheet myself, but Josh and I just do NOT work well w/ a top sheet. So we just use our comforter. We tried a few times and it's just not pretty. Love your bedding, by the way!! And yay newlywed blog!!
Cute bed set (in some of our mutual wedding colors, woot woot). For some reason, both of us are pro-top sheet, but I recently learned how contentious of an issue this is when my fiance's former roommates professed one day that top-sheets are bullsh*t. I was like, "what?"
I'm actually surprised that my fiance and I agree on top-sheets since we usually don't agree on these sorts of things.
OMG! I thought we were the only ones! I've probably never used a top sheet in my life. I'm a fairly restless sleeper and by morning it's all bunched up at the bottom of the bed - what's the point? I think we can top you on the savage scale though: we don't use proper bottom sheets either! See, all our furniture is rented (came with the apartment) so our bed is quiet springy from who knows how long its been in use. So we threw a futon over it. And we never bought a futon cover. Our solution? Queen size top sheets as bottom sheets. We never have to tuck anything in! Ultimate in lazy AND cheap. Sigh...
I like a top sheet myself, but Josh and I just do NOT work well w/ a top sheet. So we just use our comforter. We tried a few times and it's just not pretty. Love your bedding, by the way!! And yay newlywed blog!!
We totally use the top sheet. We means ME. Paul lets his side get all twisted and fall to the end of the bed, whereas I keep mine on, until I have to go scavenging for his side in the middle of the night because it's making me lose MY side. Usually I'm fighting a losing battle and the sheet stays twisted at the bottom of the bed. It DOES help when it's hotter than hell here in LA and the duvet is too heavy, but then we ONLY use the sheet.
Thank you for sharing such wonderful information. Bed sheet with comforter
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