The Sunday after our wedding we unloaded our 10ft Uhaul with the help of three members of our wedding party. And by “unloaded” I mean we literally just dumped all the stuff into this giant pile, and it’s been sitting there ever since.
I am just not ready to deal with it quite yet, although I’m getting closer to that point. The mess and clutter need to go away, especially since it appears that half the boxes are empty and can just be recycled. But, I am admittedly a very lazy person, especially when it comes to cleaning.
Although I’m wondering if it’s not so much laziness in this case?
Cleaning up this final mess of wedding décor means that the wedding is officially over. I know, I know, it’s already officially over. Duh! But putting away this stuff, going through it in preparation of selling it, is just so final. And it makes me a little sad!
I was going to publish another post on my wedding blog, that I wrote 2 weeks ago about my post-wedding antsiness, but I'm not sure it's that relevant to the Weddingbee readers, and I'm just not feeling like getting snarky comments about this subject. I've instead posted it in italics at the bottom of this post, but basically it's about how I’m torn between the advice I’d been given to wait a while to enjoy married life, and going all gung-ho right away and making up a thousand new projects to work on. I sort of have a feeling that once this pile of wedding junk is put away, there’s no more stopping and smelling the newlywed roses, it will be back to my normal life. Which is fine. I actually prefer to have things to do all the time and being busy, busy, busy. I just need to find something that will make me as happy and fulfilled as wedding planning did!
And that, in essence, is why I’ve been dragging my feet, claiming I’m too lazy to clean, when really I think I need something to fill my time before I’m ready to give up what has basically been a second full time job for the past 15 months. I just don’t know what that something is yet.
What did you do to fill your time after your wedding was over?
Here's the post I wrote a couple weeks ago, but didn't publish on my wedding blog, titled Post Wedding Antsiness
Post wedding, I’ve been feeling pretty antsy.
We’ve all heard of Post Wedding Depression, and I definitely don’t have that (I’m totally happy with how our wedding day went and wouldn’t go back and change a thing, and I am definitely glad it’s over. All that planning and slaving wouldn’t have been worth it if there wasn’t a payoff at the end!), but I am finding myself a bit torn.
You see, I’m one of those people constantly looking forward to something. I blame it on the compulsive planner in me, I love to anticipate upcoming….anything. But that means I often times have trouble appreciating the moment when I’m in it, although I do like to look back and fondly remember something.
Because of the way I am, I’m feeling a bit torn between taking my time this summer to enjoy being a newlywed, or jumping right back into the busy swing of things. I mean, aren’t you supposed to take some time to decompress after your wedding, just relax and enjoy some time NOT having a project to work on every single night after work? I thought that was what people have always recommended, but I don’t seem to do well with doing nothing, now that my second full time job has ended! (Just look at our honeymoon recaps, I get much to bored sitting on the beach for long, and need to find some way to entertain myself, even if it’s just stalking crabs with my camera!)
I keep finding myself thinking up new projects, like building the adirondack patio set that we didn’t get off our registry myself, or planning another camping trip for this summer, designing a new 6 foot tall kitty jungle gym, or looking up local festivals or new places for us to go on hikes. I’m antsy for fall semester to start so I can take my last two classes toward my Project Management Certification, so I can consider a job change (and that’s a whole ‘nother can of worms there because I don’t know what I really want to do other than plan my vacations and parties, or be Martha Stewart). I’m antsy for more excuses to be crafty, and started on designing our thank you cards, for no other reason than to have something creative to do (post coming on those soon).
Maybe what I really need are some new hobbies? A part time job? Or one of my friends needs to get engaged so I can help out with their wedding projects? Or perhaps I just need to learn how to enjoy the moment, and figure out how to give myself a break for a while? Sit and smell the newlywed roses, and all that jazz? I’ve got no clue, so any tips or insights would be appreciated!
Have any other newlyweds out there felt this way? And if you’re not yet married, which end of the spectrum do you think you’ll gravitate toward after your wedding, jumping right back into busy life or taking some time to enjoy being a newlywed?
It's a difficult adjustment. I was kinda in the dumps after my wedding, so I placed everything wedding related (EVERYthing) in one room, shut the door and left it there. For EIGHT MONTHS. lol. Don't do that.
I can totally relate! All of our wedding stuff was thrown up in our loft and David and I finally went through it this past weekend. It was hard to see all of my projects ready to either be sold, stored, or thrown away, but it's such a relief to be done with it!
I've been putting a lot of my time towards decorating our house, which has been a good outlet. I also have an etsy shop, so I still get to work on wedding projects pretty often, but they're in other brides' colors and once I'm done with them I can forget about it. :) I don't know if you've already considered it, but I think an etsy shop with all of your craftiness would do SO well!
Yes!!! The whole year leading up to our wedding I had projects after projects lined up to work on everyday after work... The wedding went perfectly and after we got back from our honeymoon I found myself having nothing to do when I got home. Luckily, my BFF was also engaged and planning her nuptials, so I offered my help and ended up w/ tons more to do.. After helping someone else w/ their wedding, I got a little burned out. It's a little more fun planning stuff for yourself... but helping my BFF did help me get over the post-wedding blues... We FINALLY cleaned out our "wedding room" (spare room that had a wedding stuff) just last week (11 months after wedding), so don't feel too bad!
Thanks so much you guys! I'm really glad to know I'm not alone in this weird place, post-wedding.
Hi Mrs Cola! :] It was weird to go from so many little projects to... not. Sometimes I forget the wedding has past. haha. But the husband and I are in a transitional period (a few weeks before moving to new city for his job) so we've just been chilling and playing video games and cooking. It's been a blast. :-D
Yeaaah, we still have wedding stuff lying around, all in one big mess. I feel ya.
I know what you mean. I'd much rather start on something new and fun then put away old boxes of crap (not that your stuff is crap, but you know what I mean!). Although, okay, you sound a little more intense than me; I'd probably think about starting something and then never do it. So lazy.
Do you want to come down to Southern California and help me craft for my DIY backyard wedding? =)
I'm not a newlywed just yet but I personally don't think there's anything wrong with starting a new project, if you're finding that you're getting antsy. Just because you just got married doesn't mean you have to sit around and do nothing for a period of time! I know I want to do some things after the wedding that I don't have time for now.
I'm not a newlywed just yet but I personally don't think there's anything wrong with starting a new project, if you're finding that you're getting antsy. Just because you just got married doesn't mean you have to sit around and do nothing for a period of time! I know I want to do some things after the wedding that I don't have time for now.
Yes!!! The whole year leading up to our wedding I had projects after projects lined up to work on everyday after work... The wedding went perfectly and after we got back from our honeymoon I found myself having nothing to do when I got home. Luckily, my BFF was also engaged and planning her nuptials, so I offered my help and ended up w/ tons more to do.. After helping someone else w/ their wedding, I got a little burned out. It's a little more fun planning stuff for yourself... but helping my BFF did help me get over the post-wedding blues... We FINALLY cleaned out our "wedding room" (spare room that had a wedding stuff) just last week (11 months after wedding), so don't feel too bad!
I can totally relate! All of our wedding stuff was thrown up in our loft and David and I finally went through it this past weekend. It was hard to see all of my projects ready to either be sold, stored, or thrown away, but it's such a relief to be done with it!
I've been putting a lot of my time towards decorating our house, which has been a good outlet. I also have an etsy shop, so I still get to work on wedding projects pretty often, but they're in other brides' colors and once I'm done with them I can forget about it. :) I don't know if you've already considered it, but I think an etsy shop with all of your craftiness would do SO well!
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